Android — Static code analysis

For clean code

Hari Prasad
2 min readAug 31, 2023

Static Code Analysis is an essential practice in software development where code is examined without execution, aiming to uncover potential issues, vulnerabilities, and improvements. This proactive analysis helps identify problems before runtime, enhancing code quality and overall software reliability.


  • Efficient Code Reviews — Developers can focus on more complex issues during manual code reviews, as static analysis takes care of routine checks.
  • Maintainability — High-quality code, enforced by static analysis, is easier to maintain and extend over the application’s lifecycle.
  • Documentation Enhancement — It encourages better documentation by catching unclear or undocumented parts of the code.
  • Continuous Integration and Delivery — By integrating with CI/CD pipelines, static analysis automates the process of code review, ensuring that only high-quality code is deployed.
  • Consistent Coding Standards — Static Code Analysis enforces coding standards, ensuring a uniform coding style across the project and among team members.
  • Cost and Time Savings — Addressing issues early in development reduces the cost and time associated with fixing them in later stages or after deployment.
  • Code Quality Improvement — By highlighting code smells, style violations, and potential pitfalls, it ensures that the codebase adheres to best practices, leading to better maintainability.
  • Early Issue Detection — Static Code Analysis identifies coding issues, security vulnerabilities, and bugs early in the development lifecycle, saving time and effort in later stages.
  • Enhanced Security — It helps in identifying security vulnerabilities and potential threats before deployment, making applications more secure and less prone to breaches.


  • Android Lint
    This is a built-in tool provided by the Android Studio IDE.
    — It helps identify a wide range of issues in your Android project, including performance problems, code style violations, potential bugs, and more.
  • Kotlin Lint
    — If you’re using Kotlin for Android development, Kotlin Lint provides linting specifically tailored for Kotlin code, helping you maintain good code quality in Kotlin-based projects.
  • Linters in IDEs
    — Apart from Android Lint, popular integrated development environments (IDEs) like IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse also offer built-in linters that can help with code quality and potential issue detection.
  • SonarQube
    SonarQube is a comprehensive platform for continuous code quality inspection. It supports multiple languages, including Java (used in Android development), and provides in-depth analysis of code issues and metrics.
  • FindBugs
    FindBugs is an open-source static code analysis tool that can identify potential bugs in Java code. It has plugins specifically designed for Android projects.
  • PMD
    PMD is another open-source static code analysis tool that focuses on code quality. It can identify issues related to code style, complexity, and potential bugs.
  • Checkstyle
    Checkstyle is a tool that enforces coding standards and conventions. It helps ensure that your code adheres to a consistent style, making it more readable and maintainable.
  • Infer
    Developed by Facebook, Infer is a static analysis tool that focuses on finding bugs and potential crashes in Android and other mobile applications.
  • Coverity
    Coverity is a commercial static analysis tool that offers a wide range of analysis capabilities, including identifying security vulnerabilities and code defects.

